Tuesday, November 23, 2010

My Public Administration Strategy

I decided to take Public Administration as one of my optional right after my 10+2. Probably, that was the reason that I took Political Science as one of my subject in my graduation.

I took the classes for Public Administration at SYNERGY, taught by Mohanty Sir. I was very impressed by his way of teaching. In my very first attempt in 2007, I could revise only his class notes and few relevant chapters from his SYNERGY books. Since I joined the classes after prelims in June, I did not have the time to refer to even the basic books on the subject. But Sir’s way of teaching was so good that I still managed to score 322 that year.

At times, it happens that a question comes in the exam about which you don’t have any idea, but you have heard that particular topic in the class. If you have been very attentive in your classes, you will be able to recall the context in which that topic was discussed. It has happened with me that by merely recalling the context of the topic discussed in the class, I wrote the entire 60 marker and scored good marks.

My strategy for Public Administration has been no different from other candidates. And I am really happy that this subject has given me good marks in all the previous 3 attempts.. 322, 322 and 329 respectively.

The foremost thing required is the seriousness with which you study the subject. What I used to do was that I used to cover the topic being taught in the class comprehensively from one other source and used to prepare the notes in such a manner that I need not study anything other than my comprehensive notes during the exams. This practice I followed throughout the classes. I ensured that I am writing all the tests on Sundays that Sir used to take. Every day used to be a struggle for me. Because, my targets were such that I had to accomplish them everyday.

In the Pub Ad answers, if you follow very general practice of being simple, you will score well. Don’t go for any sophistication and complication. Be straightforward in your answer writing. Stick to the topic being asked in the question. Go for a good introduction giving a brief about what all you are going to discuss in the answer. But, its still not possible to give the brief about each n everything you are going to discuss in the introductory paragraph. Just touch upon some imp aspects and move on. Never ever write a general answer . Try to make your answer – public administration in nature. Use the name of the thinkers as and when required. Thinker’s perspectives give a good touch to your answers.

For e.g. If you are writing on administrative reforms, talk about their weaknesses in the Indian context with respect to the Classical Theory, which talk about lack of initiatives by the workers, only monetary rewards, top down communication etc etc.

In my second attempt, I referred some other sources as well, but still I didn’t see a single mark improvement in my marks. Later I realized, what blunder I committed. Instead of using the names of the Pub Ad Thinkers, I used names such as Swami sachhidanand, Henry Ford, etc. This should not have been done. Stick to your basics wherein I lacked in this attempt.

Magazines like Yojana and Kurukshetra are your trump cards in this subject. Study them keeping the Pub Ad topics in your mind. If some case study is there , make a note of it and use it in your answers. A Yojana issue on Disaster Management discussed a wonderful case study on Community Based Disaster Management (CBDM). It showed how an org. called SEEDS INDIA used CBDM and came out with some very good results bringing people’s participation and juxtaposing disaster management with the planning process. Detail it out in your answers.

Be innovative in the Paper II answers. Use as many case studies as you can, but always interlink them with the perspectives of the Administrative thinkers. Show the examiner that you have an aptitude for thinking. Don’t write conventional answers. Make a vibrant “KHICHDI” of the concepts you have learnt. Apply them to the day to day life. Interlink them with the case studies that you read from various sources.

All this I am telling from my 3rd attempt experience where in paper II, I scored 185. It was the result of the KHICHDI I prepared in the exam. Use the examples of Public Distribution System, NREGA, Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY), UIDAI etc.. Even if you prepare 4 to 5 such examples with reference to Indian Administration, you need not prepare other such things. Use these examples at your discretion where ever you want. You will see the results for yourself.

Sources I made use of :


  • Fadia and Fadia
  • Sharma and Sadana
  • Avasthi and Maheshwari
  • Prasad and Prasad (for thinkers)
  • Laxmikanth for Prelims (for few topics,,I found it very useful for mains)
  • IGNOU MA notes
  • SYNERGY class notes and reference material


  • Fadia and Fadia
  • Arora and Goyal
  • IGNOU MA notes
  • Laxmikanth for prelims (Public Administration)
  • Laxmikanth for Indian Polity
  • SYNERGY class Notes and reference material

  1. Yojana
  2. Kurukshetra
  3. The Hindu editorials

(I may be forgetting the names of a couple of books. I shall post them as and when I recall).

I wish all the very best to my blog readers and to all the Civil Services Aspirants going through this write-up.

Cheers ! 

Thursday, November 11, 2010

VVS and Leadership

The Indian Cricket Champ - VVS - says,,


He is an epitome of Leadership. He has come to India's rescue whenever the team has faced a tricky situation. In normal situations, anybody can come up and lead. Providing leadership when the chips are down shows the real mettle of a person. If you want to be something in your life, be VVS of Test Cricket, be Shahrukh of Bollywood, be Hamilton of F1, be Pele of Soccer, be Roger of Tennis, be the BEST in your respective sphere..

You should be known as the one making a difference, as someone not being a part of crowd.

Cheers !!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

My Last Mains and Public Administration experience

Hi friends,

Just got over with the Public Administration exam today. I was getting bit emotional yesterday while revising the entire stuff. I was just thinking that these Pub admn. topics which are so close to my heart, i will not have to study them ever again. This is my last UPSC attempt and my fourth Mains. It may sound really ridiculous. I know that. However, this sorrowness is coupled with joy that I will have freedom to explore the world other than UPSC.

For the past 4 years, i have been so entangled in the studies , that i got very less time to explore the fun outside the four walls of my room. I am very excited to join the NADT, Nagpur coming December.

The pattern of UPSC's questions have left the candidates baffling. Today, i was surprised to see the short notes being compulsory (3 out of 3). But, that was fun. I wrote some interesting answers leaving nothing to be added. Since , this was the last Mains for me, i made it a point that i write and include everything somewhere or the other in the answers. But, don't misinterpret me for redundant practice. I obviously wrote the relevant points at the relevant places.

From RTI to transparency, accountability, customer orientation, openness, Wada na todo abhiyan campaign, Jaankari project, Bhaagidaari Project, I and II ARC, Hota committe, Yugandhar Committee, Y.K.Alagh Committee, NREGA, PDS, PMGSY, 6th Pay Commission, Fayol, Urwick, Likert, McGregor, Lord Nolan, Administrative Reforms, Disaster Mgmt, Hyogo Framework for Action, 73rd Amendment Act, Civil Nuclear Liability Bill, IRDA, SEBI, MCI, AICTE, Linking Pin Model, Code of ethics, Decision Making, Kautilya, NPM, E-Governance, Citizen's Charter, Conference of Chief Secretaries (1996), Conference of Chief Ministers (1997), Social Audit, Development Administration, Robert Chambers, David Korten, Public Policy, PRIS, PPBS, HILASOO, PSU failure, Fiscal mismanagement, Article 74,78,85, 285, 289, 280, Finance Commission, Judicial Activism, PN Bhagwati, Judicial adventurism, PIL, Cash for Query scam, Ninth Schedule, Ram Jawaya case, Shamsher Singh Case, Max Weber, Pub Admn-Dichotomy, NCHER etc etc etc etc etc....i tried to prepare a good mixture of the stuff i had in my mind. Rest, the marks will reflect the success of this mixture. Hope for the best..:)

On 10th is Sociology, my last exam. Hoping for a changed pattern in this exam as well. I am prepared for the bouncers. Lets face it.

Have a good day..!!

Leadership Quotes

"It is better to be hated for what you are than loved for what you are not." - ANDRE GIDE

"The most powerful weapon on earth is the Human Soul on fire." - FERDINAND FOCH

"If people knew how hard i worked for my mastery , it wouldn't seem so wonderful at all." - MICHELANGELO

Thursday, August 26, 2010

5 Fast Tips for Accelerated Leadership

  1. Build out technology free spaces so you can get your best thinking done.
  2. Do difficult things since those are the opportunities that build your capabilities.
  3. Delete victims from your personal orbit as their mediocre thinking is an infection.
  4. Get fit like a pro athlete.
  5. Invest in improving your mindset, performance and leadership skills through seminars, audio programs and a relentless diet of excellent books. Learning is the antidote to change.

Courtsey : Robin Sharma

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Thank you

Hello friends,

I am really pleased to get so many emails from the aspirants having multiple doubts. I am convinced that my Interaction Session with the Sociology Students at Vajiram was of some help to them. I thank all of them for appreciating my efforts.I have tried my level best to answer everybody's query. So many changes have taken place in my life since the time the final results were announced (6th May 2010). 

I have remained busy throughout and often did not get time to get back to many of the students. The major event that happened was my Engagement Ceremony. Now, the prelims results has been announced and my conscience says that i should be busy with nothing else other than my studies. 

I just want to apologise to the aspirants who desparately wanted me to post a write up on "Sociology Preparation" . Many aspirants wanted me to detail out my strategy in Public Administration. I had not been able to do that due to paucity of time. Now , just 2 months to go for the Mains. 

I appeal to all of you writing the Mains this year to get ready with all your arms and ammunitions .

FIRE !!!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Tale of two fields

Once, there was a pristine green field that was alive and lush, amidst the extraordinary bloom of Springtime. Next to it happened to sit another field. This one full of weeds, dirt and rough edged stones. A testament to mediocrity. And an acute lack of care.

Through the operation of Nature's laws, the seeds of the weeds from the mediocre field were slowly blown over to the lush field. And so, day by day, the once stunningly beautiful one - with once awesome potential - succumbed to the influence of it's low-grade next door neighbor.

Before the season was through, there sat two fields. Both completely overcome by weeds. 

The leadership lesson for you and I (in this world that aches for real leaders): your influences and environments matter. The people you associate with will infect your thinking. The content of what you read/watch/listen to will affect your game. And the things you surround yourself with will determine whether you work at wow. Or end up at a field called mediocre.

(Courtesy : Robin Sharma)

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Leadership Thoughts

  • "A champion is one who gets up when he can't." (Jack Dempsey )

  • "Great things are not accidental. They must certainly be willed." (Vincent Van Gogh )

  • "The things you are most resisting are the things you most need to do."

One of the challenges for anyone dedicated to expressing their leadership best is dealing with the chattering voices of naysaying critics. As a matter of fact, the more brightly you shine in your work and the more quickly you innovate and the more excellent you become, the more foulmouthed critics you will attract. It's just part of the game. Emerson said it brilliantly: "Great people are always misunderstood."

Leadership isn't a popularity contest. Leadership is about having the bravery to do what's right versus what's easy.

These are great Leadership thoughts to ponder over which are close to my heart. Its not easy to get up and run after falling down. But the great Leaders do. And that is what makes them what they are. Different.


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Q n A - Detailed Interview

This is the detailed version of my 3rd UPSC Interview - 27th March 2010 - P.Aggarwal's Board

(recollected and compiled on 2nd April 2010)

[BM - Board Member]

· What do you mean by ‘Digital’ in Digital Wallpapers ? ( My hobby is Making Digital Wallpapers)

BM : (The Chairman answered this question on his own)Your hobby is Making Digital Wallpapers. You mean to say that wallpapers which are made on the computers.( pointing towards the computer monitor kept next to him).

Me : Yes Sir,these are the wallpapers made on computers, I make use of photoshop to make them.

BM : Ok, I thought you are talking about those big wallpapers which I used to see on my big walls at home.

Me : Sir, the term “Wallpaper” is taken originally from those wallpapers only.

BM : Ok, Let’s start now.

· What is the difference between Governance, Management and Administration ? (One of my optional is Public Administration)

BM : Your optional paper is Public Administration . (Then he asked the above question).

Me : (Thought for a while) Sir, Governance is the process of taking or not taking a decision with respect to a policy. Management means getting the things done. And Administration is Governance + Management. As in the Administration, we are involved in taking or not taking a decision with respect to a policy, as well as, we are into getting the things done.

· If you are posted as an administrator in any of the districts of Uttar Pradesh, what would be the biggest challenge you’ll face ?

Me : I believe , Poverty is one of the biggest challenge that I would face as an Administrator in UP.

BM : What Poverty ? Poverty is a Pan Indian phenomenon. Tell me some UP specific problem.

Me : (Thought for a while) Sir, Caste Politics.

BM : Yes, that’s the answer.

Me : Caste politics is a problem thriving most in the societies of UP and Bihar. Caste creates rift between the people. It creates discrimination. People eat on the basis of caste. People drink on the basis of caste. People intermingle on the basis of caste.

BM : Ok, tell me another problem.

Me : (thought for a while) Illiteracy. Because it creates lack of awareness among the people.

BM : What about Political Interference ? The officers are facing errant transfers. One day they are in one department, another day, they themselves don’t know which department they would be in. (He was speaking in Hindi ).

Me : Yes Sir, certainly this is one of the biggest problem any administrator would face in UP.

· What happens when bureaucrats succumb to the political pressure ?

Me : (Thought for a while) Sir, they loose Political neutrality and Objectivity.

BM : Apart from this, what else happens ?

Me : (thought for a while ) They loose sensitivity towards the masses.

BM : Yes, ok.

· What do you know about Kalinga war which Ashoka fought ? (I had Ancient History as one of my subjects in graduation ).

Me : Sir, it was considered to be the last war which Ashoka fought in his lifetime. It was a life changing event for him. After this war only, he got converted to Buddhism.

· What are the problems of Indian Football ?

BM : You used to play Football.

Me : Yes Sir, I captained my school team of football.

BM : (Then he asked the above question).

Me : Lack of Infrastructure…( I coudn’t complete, they interrupted )

BM : What lack of infrastructure ? Football khelne ke liye ek Gend chahiye, ek ground chahiye aur do dande chahiye..We have enough of it.

Me : Sir, we do not have good and standard grounds. Apart from these infrastructural bottlenecks, there is lack of nutrition, lack of funds, lack of sponsorship, and lack of good training and coaching facilities..(I forgot to say lack of international exposure)..

BM : Yes, lack of coaching facilities is on the biggest problem.

· What do you mean by Inclusive Growth ?

Me : Mam, it is the concept introduced by our H’ble Prime Minister in the previous 5 year plan. It is a kind of a growth which brings all the deprived sections of the society into the mainstream growth process. In a way, it ensures that the benefits of the growth process percolates down to the most deprived sections who have been left out of the growth process. For example, if a girl child in a far off village is not educated, then that means that we are not following the inclusive growth. If the roads connecting the villages in to the mainstream society are not constructed, then that also means that we are not following inclusive growth.

· What is meant by Financial Inclusion ?

Me : Mam, this means including even the deprived sections of the society in to the growth process financially. For example, under NREGA, we are bringing about financial inclusion. Under this programme, all the wage payments are made to the workers through their post office bank accounts. ( I forgot to talk about the credit availability facilities )

· Out of the Formal and Informal Sector , which one predominates in the Indian Economy ?

ME : Mam, it is the informal sector which is the predominant one. Infact, it is one of the glaring problem which the Indian Economy is facing today.

· What are the women specific problems in the informal sector ?

Me : The informal sector is the highly unorganized sector. There are odd working hours for women. There is no assurance for a 9-5 job. Further, there are irregular wage payments. Women also faces the problem of sexual harassment. Moreover, for the equal amount of work done, the women are paid less then the men.

· When are the Commonwealth Games scheduled from ?

Me : Sir, they are scheduled from 3-14 October this year.

· What are your expectations about the forthcoming Commonwealth Games ?

Me : Sir, I am highly optimistic about the forthcoming commonwealthgames. I am very sure that we are going to perform very well.

· Name the events you are optimistic about in the CWG ?

Me : Shooting and Archery are the best bets. Apart from that, events like boxing, wrestling, are also medal winners for us. We have good chances in Tennis. In Badminton also, we have high hopes. Our shuttler, Saina Nehwal recently reached in to the top 5 slot in the world.

BM : What are your hopes about Athletics ?

Me : Sir, I am not very hopeful about our athletics performance. I am also not very sure whether Anju Bobby George would be participating this year or not.

· What are the problems of Sports in India ?

Me : The biggest problem of sports in India is the Political Interference. Sir, today in India, the Sports Federations are headed by the Politicians and not by the Sports Personalities. Because of that we see more of politics in sports. And this is the primary reason that we are not able to convert our Commonwealth glory into Olympic glory. Over the past few Commonwealth games , for instance , 2002 in England and later in 2006, we have repeatedly been placed in the top 5 in the medals tally with some 50 plus gold medals. But our Olympic performance has been very dismal.

· Name few politicians heading the sports federations.

Me : Sir, Sharad Pawar had been heading BCCI for a long time..(they interrupted)

BM : Leave Cricket, you talked about archery, tell me the head of archery federation..Woh to 100 saal se chairman bana betha hai..nahi main mazaak kar raha hoon..pichhle 36 saal se who chairman hai..(he was speaking in hindi)..( Chairman and other Board members were laughing a lot )

Me : Sir, I don’t know..Infact, I would like to know his name.

BM : He’s V.K.Malhotra.

· What do you know about Limba ? ( related to Archery)

Me : Sir, I read his name few days back in the newspaper. He a personality related to archery. But, I don’t know the exact piece of news related to him.

BM : You are a sportsman and you don’t know about Limba ?

Me : I don’t know sir..

BM : He was a prominent player of Archery for the past 15 years and suddenly he’s out of sight and you don’t know his name.. !!!

Me : Sir, infact this is the problem of sports in India that we are not able to nurture our sportsmen.

(The Chairman looked at all the other Board members and said “theek hai” 4 times…and then said, Manpreet aapka interview over ho gaya hai.)

I scored 196/300.

Monday, April 26, 2010

IPL, Hockey and Sports in India

Congratulations to Chennai Super Kings !! The IPL 3 Champs !!!

The Cricket has reached to altogether a new level with the initiation of Indian Premier League (IPL).There is money, there is talent, there is foreign exposure with the induction of foreign players, there is glamour, there is infrastructure, there are best coaches, there are best facilities, there is no political interference (almost negligible), there are privately owned franchisees, there is brilliantly designed league system, there is entertainment, there is aggressive marketing, there are franchisees’ merchandise sold to the fans, there is a crazy crowd to watch it, there is superb commentary, there is competition, there is pride involved, there is profit for the owners…what else do you need for a Sports League to succeed ??

There is no doubt , IPL has brought India to the limelight in the sporting world.

But, sports in India, despite all this, is in a terrible predicament. If the entire money and attention goes to one sport, where will the other equally deserving mortals go ? The success of IPL shows that – ‘will to do’- is a very important element in any endeavour, whether its preparing a maggi or signing on a document granting the funds for the construction of roads in villages or in improving the plight of sports in India.

This ‘will’ is amazingly lacking in the Sports administration of India. India finished 8th in the just concluded Hockey World Cup. Did we see anybody from the administration appreciating their improved performance given the fact that we were ranked last in the world (12th or 13th) prior to the world cup…?? They may also win a tournament in the forthcoming months but their victories may not be acknowledged. Here is the problem. We don’t nurture our sportsmen.

No matter how better we strategize to improve Hockey, results would be seen only with improved administration and transparency. Look at Hockey Australia. They upload the minutes of their meeting on their website to bring about utmost transparency. There is no limit imposed on the number of sponsors. On the contrary, they give the advertisements to invite the sponsors for the team as well as for the individuals. In Germany and Spain, emphasis is laid more on competitive and professional domestic league.

If we could meticulously execute IPL in India then I don’t see any reason we can’t do it for other sports. I am not asking for IPL-like management in other sports but certainly a better administration which is transparent, flexible, open to ideas, accountable and the one which also appears fair in its proceedings. The rest will depend on the popularity of the sport which will come from quality.

Its not only about providing better infrastructure and facilities to the sportsmen but also the emotional support, motivation and recognition. The government was in doldrums and could not come up with a clear thought on the issue whether Vijender Singh and Sushil Kumar should be awarded the Khel Ratna or not, for a quite long time. I believe that the achievement of these Olympic bronze medalists should be acknowledged and if we fail to do that , we will end up doing disservice to the sports in the country.

We should make the people feel that they also have a future if they play good badminton, good chess or if they can throw a discus to a great distance !! That will encourage the couch potatoes of the country to go out and play and do some physical work. It will make India a healthier and a fit nation.

Sports is one field which can bring pride to the nation. I , myself being a sportsman, never got an opportunity and motivation to build a career in sports. Despite being a quick sprinter , my skills never got acknowledged. This shouldn’t happen with the millions of kids aiming high to make a career in sports.
Everything rests on the will to improve, the will to accept the weaknesses, the will to shed egos, the will to strategize, the will to Lead and the will to be THE BEST !!!

Nurture these kids and very soon , we will be mining Diamonds !!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

सफ़र में मुश्किलें ...

सफ़र में मुश्किलें आयें तो जुर्रत और बढती है ,
कोई जब रास्ता रोके तो हिम्मत और बढती है ,
मेरी कमजोरियों पर जब कोई तन्कीत करता है ,
वोह दुश्मन क्यों न हो , उस से मोहब्बत और बढती है ,
अगर बिकने पर आ जाओ तो घट जाते हैं दाम अक्सर ,
न बिकने का इरादा हो तो कीमत और बढती है ।

This is one of my most favourite Sher by Nawaz Deobandi. Its highly inspiring, motivating and thought provoking...It has got a message for the life , if read and understood deeply..I was over the moon when i read it for the first time.

UPSC Medical Ordeal

Dear Friends,

I was skeptical before writing this post. But, sooner than later , i decided that the views on this issue of UPSC Medical needs to be expressed. Today only, i got over with the mental trauma meant for the selected UPSC candidates whose medical was scheduled in the GTB Hospital, Shahdara, New Delhi.

I understand the necessity of this medical examination. But the experience that i had this time was awful. My UPSC interview was on 27th March 2010 and the medical was on 29th. To my utter surprise, some 18 candidates out of 20 were referred to a separate medical board and were asked to come again. Few of the candidates had high Blood Pressure, some had vision problem, and the majority had high BMI (Body Mass Index). I fell into this last category.

I was told that i am over weight. My weight turned out to be 82 kgs. I was told that as per my height, my weight should be 78 or below. I was under the impression that +5 and -5 kgs are admissible. My BMI turned out to be 26. They said that 25 is the standard and hence, mine is higher. I was advised that i should reduce my weight and appear before the medical board again.

I was amused at the situation. More so, because, this was not the first time i was giving the UPSC Medical. But, with all courtsey, i accepted their judgement. I started jogging in the evenings and avoided rice and paranthas in my diet, with a hope that i will reduce 4 kgs. Somehow, i managed to reduce 1.5 kgs. I was very happy if not fully satisfied.

I went for the medical again on 19th april, as we were asked to come on monday only. A separate physician board sat for us. Some 15-20 candidates were there. My turn came. They weighed me. The figure came as 81.2 kgs. I was bit contented as i believed that with lower weight, my BMI will automatically come down. If it was 26 earlier with 82 kgs, then it will surely come down to near about 25 with 81.2 kgs. The day ended. In the evening , to my biggest surprise, i was told that my BMI is very high. I asked the logic behind it and there was no answer. They wrote my BMI as 29.5 !!!! I, then with the assistance of some of my Doctor friends, calculated my BMI and it came to be 25.9 !!

Now, here is the catch. They wrote the figure 25.9 as 29.5 !!

Who's mistake is this ? In the hospital, there is nobody ready to take the accountability. Who suffers ? We, the students. They wrote 6 tests to be done for each and every candidate. I fail to understand that if a person is overweight, then why his ultrasound is done ? What is the connection between weight and kideny and liver functioning tests ? On top of it, the hospital staff seemed to be least empathetic with the candidates. At the drop of a hat, they will say that - kindly come tommorrow for the test because some machine is not working or some staff is not available or some kit is out of stock.

Through these entire proceedings, they failed to understand one thing. That is - the candidates' perspective. Many of them were left stranded in Delhi just because of this medical board. Most of them cancelled their reservations but couldn't get their next train. Staying in Delhi for more than 2 days was also not an economical affair for many of them.

I, somehow, got over with the medical today. I never imagined that it will turn out to be such a baffling and an indifferent stage.

My Suggestions :

  • UPSC should lay down the standards for the medical tests to be conducted in the hospitals and shouldn't leave it at their discretion.
  • Intensive medical tests should be done only for the candidates who have been finally selected.
  • If possible, employ a separate Hospital staff for the medicals and all such tests should be done in a single hospital.
  • Lack of coordination between various dapartments of the hospitals has been a major irritant for the candidates. So, its time to improve it.
  • Candidates should not be punished for the mistakes committed by the Doctors, as happened in my BMI readings. ( I am not the only case here )

Anyways, there is always a lot to learn from such instances. We, the student community, have been cooperating with the authorities in the best possible manner. The only humble request is a bit of cooperation from their side.

Cheers !!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

वो रुलाकर ...

वो रुलाकर हंस न पाया देर तक

जब मैं रोकर मुस्कुराया देर तक ,

भूलना चाहा अगर उस को कभी

और भी वो याद आया देर तक ,

भूखे बच्चों की तस्सल्ली के लिए

माँ ने फिर पानी पकाया देर तक ,

गुनगुनआता जा रहा था इक फकीर

धूप रहती है ना साया देर तक ।

- Nawaz Deobandi

बदलते वक़्त का ...

बदलते वक़्त का इक सिल _सिला सा लगता है
के जब भी देखो उसे दूसरा -सा लगता है ,

तुम्हारा हुस्न किसी आदमी का हुस्न नहीं
किसी बुज़ुर्ग की सच्ची दुआ सा लगता है ,

तेरी निगाह को तमीज़ रंग -ओ -नूर कहाँ
मुझे तो खून भी रंग-ऐ -हिना सा लगता है ,

दमाग - ओ -दिल हों अगर मुतमईन तो छाओं है धूप ,
थपेड़ा लू का भी ठंडी हवा सा लगता है ।

(मुतमईन - content/ satisfied)

- Manzar Bhopali

Sunday, March 28, 2010

CSE Interview Questions

Third Interview - 27th March 2010 - Purushottam Aggarwal's Board

  • What do you mean by ‘Digital’ in Digital Wallpapers ? ( My hobby is Making Digital Wallpapers)
  • What is the difference between Governance, Management and Administration ? (One of my optional is Public Administration)
  • If you are posted as an administrator in any of the districts of Uttar Pradesh, what would be the biggest challenge you’ll face ?
  • What happens when bureaucrats succumb to the political pressure ?
  • What do you know about Kalinga war which Ashoka fought ?
  • What are the problems of Indian Football ?
  • What do you mean by Inclusive Growth ?
  • What is meant by Financial Inclusion ?
  • Out of the Formal and Informal Sector , which one predominates in the Indian Economy ?
  • What are the women specific problems in the informal sector ?
  • What are your expectations about the forthcoming Commonwealth Games ?
  • When are the Commonwealth Games scheduled from ?
  • Name the events you are optimistic about in the CWG ?
  • What are the problems of Sports in India ?
  • Name few politicians heading the sports federations.
  • Who's the head of Archery Federation ?
  • What do you know about Limba ? ( related to Archery)

My Score : 196/300

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Leadership and CWG

Here are few of the Leadership quotes i like the most..Read on,,

  • "Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up." - Picasso

  • "The problems of the world cannot possibly be solved by skeptics or cynics whose horizons are limited by the obvious realities. We need men who can dream of things that never were." - John F. Kennedy

  • "If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep streets as Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music, or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will pause to say, here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well." - Martin Luther King Jr.

I am actually getting very excited about the forthcoming Commonwealth Games. We really require great Leadership qualities amongst our administrators who are , no doubt, toiling hard to make this event a great success.The Leadership quotes above may prove to be a guiding and motivating force for them.

Although the preparations are on track but i feel there is one major area of concern which the authorities needs to look into. Its the development of the infrastructure in the region surrounding Delhi. I read it somewhere that Delhi will also be offering all athletes a free trip to the famed Taj Mahal and will provide a reserved lane for participants on selected highways. This shows that the tourists visiting Delhi will not confine themselves to the Capital only. They will be visiting the nearby areas viz. Agra, Mathura, Jaipur, Chandigarh, Varanasi etc. Now, in that case, are we focusing on the development of infrastructure of these regions or is our entire focus confined to Delhi ???

I had put up this question to the Head of the Commonwealth Organising Committee, who was one of the panelists in the PUBLIC SPEAK programme of All India Radio. But, to my utter surprise, i did not find his answer very convincing.

I strongly feel that this grand event is one of the biggest opportunity for India to showcase itself to the world. This showcasing will succeed only with Good Leadership. We want leaders who will go an extra mile to finish the construction of stadiums on time. We want leaders who do not fight for the credit for a job well done. We want leaders who are innovative to provide solutions for online ticketing for common man. We want leaders who would turn the ordinary into extraordinary to make the Commonwealth experience for the foreign tourists the most memorable one, the one which makes them say back home, " Hey, I had fun in India !! The Games were awesome !!"

I am confident that we are very much capable of putting up a great show...which will make all of us proud of being an INDIAN !!

Cheers !!

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