Tuesday, November 2, 2010

My Last Mains and Public Administration experience

Hi friends,

Just got over with the Public Administration exam today. I was getting bit emotional yesterday while revising the entire stuff. I was just thinking that these Pub admn. topics which are so close to my heart, i will not have to study them ever again. This is my last UPSC attempt and my fourth Mains. It may sound really ridiculous. I know that. However, this sorrowness is coupled with joy that I will have freedom to explore the world other than UPSC.

For the past 4 years, i have been so entangled in the studies , that i got very less time to explore the fun outside the four walls of my room. I am very excited to join the NADT, Nagpur coming December.

The pattern of UPSC's questions have left the candidates baffling. Today, i was surprised to see the short notes being compulsory (3 out of 3). But, that was fun. I wrote some interesting answers leaving nothing to be added. Since , this was the last Mains for me, i made it a point that i write and include everything somewhere or the other in the answers. But, don't misinterpret me for redundant practice. I obviously wrote the relevant points at the relevant places.

From RTI to transparency, accountability, customer orientation, openness, Wada na todo abhiyan campaign, Jaankari project, Bhaagidaari Project, I and II ARC, Hota committe, Yugandhar Committee, Y.K.Alagh Committee, NREGA, PDS, PMGSY, 6th Pay Commission, Fayol, Urwick, Likert, McGregor, Lord Nolan, Administrative Reforms, Disaster Mgmt, Hyogo Framework for Action, 73rd Amendment Act, Civil Nuclear Liability Bill, IRDA, SEBI, MCI, AICTE, Linking Pin Model, Code of ethics, Decision Making, Kautilya, NPM, E-Governance, Citizen's Charter, Conference of Chief Secretaries (1996), Conference of Chief Ministers (1997), Social Audit, Development Administration, Robert Chambers, David Korten, Public Policy, PRIS, PPBS, HILASOO, PSU failure, Fiscal mismanagement, Article 74,78,85, 285, 289, 280, Finance Commission, Judicial Activism, PN Bhagwati, Judicial adventurism, PIL, Cash for Query scam, Ninth Schedule, Ram Jawaya case, Shamsher Singh Case, Max Weber, Pub Admn-Dichotomy, NCHER etc etc etc etc etc....i tried to prepare a good mixture of the stuff i had in my mind. Rest, the marks will reflect the success of this mixture. Hope for the best..:)

On 10th is Sociology, my last exam. Hoping for a changed pattern in this exam as well. I am prepared for the bouncers. Lets face it.

Have a good day..!!


  1. thanks for the tips for the IAS mains examination for public administration. I am an ias aspirant and a regular visitor to your blog. Also enrolled in Public administration course at http://www.wiziq.com/course/5313-public-administration-for-upsc-ias-mains I always go to sites in the internet for the question practice. A request, do post some questions for ias mains preparation.

    1. Hi Milan,
      People who are in regular touch with the subject will be able to help u in a better manner. All i can say is that be thorough with the previous years question papers. It will really help you. All the best.


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